
Vagabond Airfield

The original scope of work for this project was to remove the runway (1600' by 50') at Yakima Training Center, scarify existing sub-base, re grade, compact, add 2" of base course and place 3" of class A asphalt. After removal of the old asphalt it became apparent that the entire runway had been built on a base of clay and silt which are unacceptable for a runway base course. At this time the project became a design-build project where we partnered with Gray Surveying and Engineering to design a cost effective solution. We presented several options to the Corps of Engineers and the Yakima Training Center and after several iterations settled on a design.

The scope of work after the modification added in the removal of soil over the entire footprint of the old runway and replacement with a government provided suitable fill. In addition a drainage system was added along both sides of the runway and at both ends to insure that any runoff water did not
end up under the new asphalt.